Covenant House: Stuck in Traffick

Task: Did you know that in 2019, nearly 3,000 children were trafficked in NYC? It’s absolutely horrific. Our team at GSW Advertising partnered with Covenant House, a non-profit working on the front lines of youth homelessness, to educate the everyday New Yorker on child sex trafficking and generate donations for their organization.

Execution: We created videos, print ads, social media posts and radio ads with our provocative campaign slogan “The Traffick in This City Is Far Worse Than You Think.” Below are our commercials that aired in taxi cabs during Human Trafficking Awareness Month (January 2020).

Result: These videos reached 12 million New Yorkers in one week.

My role: My art partner and I pitched the idea for these taxi videos. We wanted to shock, disgust, and enrage our audience to prompt them to take action and help these victims. After hours of research, many rounds of revisions, and lots of mental health walks around Battery Park, we came up with a script that we thought did just that.

Our Team

Agency: GSW Advertising

Art Director: Alyssa Porchetta

Copywriter: Taylor Kissinger

Bottom of the page fun fact #1: I can say the alphabet faster backwards than forwards. I taught myself when I was a kid by staring at my mom’s flip phone during car rides.